понедельник, 18 марта 2013 г.

3 Things to Avoid When Trying to Lose Weight

There are many things in today's world that can interrupt our weight loss plan. I mean, every time we go to work, school, or just out with friends we are swarmed with fast-food restaurants trying to stuff food down our throats. Or how about the technology that has made America the laziest country in the world? We can't even get up to change the channels on the television anymore.

Realizing that these things can hurt your weight loss journey will help you to avoid them. Remember that anytime you are thinking of losing weight you must set your mind on it completely. Here are 3 things to avoid when trying to lose weight:

1. Never, Ever, EVER make excuses- This is one of the most crucial things you must avoid on your journey. You cannot say things like "well I did good the first six days of the week, so today I can take a day off and ill start again tomorrow. I'll be fine" or "I'm just going to eat McDonalds once and skip dinner. The calories will even out." Cheating yourself and making excuses are some of the biggest factors for people failing to complete a weight loss program. No matter how bad or plain you don't want to do something, remember that you won't get the results you desire by cheating yourself.

2. Starve Yourself- People usually try cutting calories or eating less because they think it will help them lose weight. Well the truth is that this is one of the biggest weight loss myths out there. Why do you think our neo-lithic ancestors like the cavemen were all in such great shape? Because they provided their bodies with the proper nutrients. By feeding your body the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs as well as doing some exercise your body will naturally burn fat. So don't try starving yourself and make sure you feed your body the fuel it needs.

3. Join the Roller Coaster Ride- What does this mean? It means that don't jump from one weight loss program to another because you aren't seeing results. If you continue switching from one to another and blaming it on the program you need to look to new places to blame. YOURSELF. Just about all of the weight loss programs out there are built on the same basics. If you work hard and stay dedicated you can succeed and effectively lose weight.

Those are three of the biggest factors I see people doing all of the time that affect their Weight Loss Goals. If you can learn to avoid making excuses, starving yourself and joining the roller coaster ride then you might just make it out alright. Believe in yourself. That's one of the biggest factors in determining if someone's successful on their weight loss journey. If you can see yourself six months down the road with that rocking body on the beach, it will make it that much easier to reach!

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